Girl! We help women gain confidence and self-acceptance!

you deserve a life changing boudoir experience!

Today, just as you are, without changing one thing about yourself . You are beautiful. You are unique. You are worthy. You are enough!

If you have not already, I highly suggest you join our ladies only facebook group. This is where I share the most work, & all things women inspired, self love tips, and so much more.


Where is our studio?

Our home studio is based in Dickinson, ND. We have over 2,000 Sq Ft of shooting space with different sets available, including our bathtub and rain room sets, wardrobe room with client closet, photo reveal room, & our office.

What Do I do with my Images?

The short answer: whatever you want! Here at KKP we strongly believe women need to do this for themselves. I can tell you and promise you now, I do not shoot your session for anyone but YOU.

The products you order are for a daily reminder of the strong, beautiful woman that you are. We will not manipulate your body into someone you are not. We do add a skin smoothening technique to your images to lighten and smooth over stretch marks and scars slightly, but they will still be there. In our retouching process we also lighten/correct under eye circles and cellulite. We do not remove tan lines or correct skin tones from summer tans, tanning beds, or spray tans.

What will I Wear?

Whatever makes you feel good! We have a closet full of different styles and sizes to choose from. I also recommend bringing some of your own pieces to wear, as well. We do try to minimize props, and recommend not wearing babydolls or corsets.

How long is a shoot?

Plan on 2 hours for hair & makeup, usually starting at 9am, and another 2 hours for changing and shooting time.
Your final images typically take about 2-3 weeks to be ready and then you come in for your photo reveal!


Boudoir Experiences start at $600 with The KKP Experience.

Session fees go up from there for the Fearless Experience or a Couples Experience

The session fee is required to be paid in order to reserve space on our calendar.

When you pre-purchase products you have access to a selection of bonus sets to add to your session!


Most clients tend to splurge and, on average, our clients spend $4800+.

Product Collections start at $2000. A member of the KKP Team will contact you within 3 business days of your booking to start your product order.

When you pre-purchase products you have access to a selection of bonus sets to add to your session!

All fees and product orders are non-refundable given the nature of our work.

Prices are subject to change without notice.



Please feel free to ask us ANY questions. We want you to come into this 100% educated on what to expect and, even more so, comfortable and empowered during your session with us.

We can’t wait to chat with you soon!

If you have any further questions please reach out.


Call or Text: 701-690-0840